The My Story
Why professionals
recommend them
“Children are growing up in a complex, competitive world. The My Story Journals are outstanding, creative tools to assist in self discovery and to cement confidence in your own life story.”
Dr Truida Botha
- Educational Psychologist (JHB) -
“With our children facing more and more mental-wellness issues than ever before, the effects of Covid-19 not yet prominent, it has become increasingly important to provide them with socio-emotional tools to help deal with the adversity they are facing today. The My Story Journals are fun, age appropriate, well researched diaries that help children in this age group develop healthy egoes, better self regulation and the ability to stand stronger alone.”
Chantel Griesel
- Occupational Therapist (CPT)
About the Tribe
This online platform aims to invest in the mental wellness and emotional resilience of the six- to thirteen-year-old age group. In this tribe:
We Journal
Don’t worry! There are no intimidating blank pages, we promise! Your child can scribble and draw and paste and make notes about everything in their life’s story: the characters, the places, the events and also how this story makes them feel.
We Meet on the Mat
We clench our fists when we get angry. We pace when we get impatient. Our cheeks turn red when we fancy someone. Our insides and our outsides are connected! When we Meet on the Mat, we use BREATH and MOVEMENT to get our inside and our outside on the same peaceful page!
We Celebrate artist hour
There is an artist inside us all. Sometimes we shut them up. Not in this Tribe, we don’t. Every week we celebrate Artist Hour! When we create, we notice beauty. And when we notice beauty, we can make it part of our story.
We Muse
We what? We muse. No, not moose! Muse. Our mind is our control centre. If your mind tells you you’re not good enough, the rest of you will believe it. Musing is a way of steering your mind like a car. We need to show it where to go to get to the good, empowering thoughts.
Listen to our Podcast,
In Between Things
Milan Murray, founder of The My Story Tribe, talks to a variety of guests about children and mental health.